
STORM EUNICE – Red Weather Warning

18th February 2022

Because of the Red Weather Warning around Storm Eunice, we have taken the difficult decision to close all of our Foodbanks on Friday 18th December. The safety of our volunteers and clients is of the upmost importance to us.

Our phone line is currently very busy and we have only one team member able to access the phone. Please send a text/email or leave a voicemail and we will respond as quickly as we can.

Our volunteers and staff team are working to contact all clients and offer an alternative time for them to come and collect their food.


  • Counterslip Cares will open Saturday 19th 9am – 11am. All clients will receive a text informing them of this change.
  • Fishponds hopes to open Saturday 19th 10.30 am – 12pm. All clients will receive a text of phone call informing them of this change.
  • Kingswood will open as usual on Tuesday 22nd. All deliveries will be done on Tuesday. All clients will receive a text of phone call informing them of this change.
  • St.Marks  will open on Monday 21st 9.30am -11am. All clients will receive a text of phone call informing them of this change.

Thank you for all your support. Stay Home and Stay Safe

The foodbank team x

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